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Orientasi Pelajar Tingkatan 1-4, serta Pelajar Asrama 2020


         Edisi Bahasa Malaysia

       Pada hari Rabu dan Khamis, 1-2 Januari 2020, SMK Seri Gading telah menganjurkan sebuah program orientasi bagi pelajar Tingkatan 1 dan 4 bagi kedua-dua sesi pagi dan petang. Selain itu, program ini turut diadakan bagi pelajar-pelajar asrama. 

       Pelbagai aktiviti telah dirancang serta dilaksanakan bagi memastikan pelajar-pelajar dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan suasana sekolah yang baru bagi mereka. Program ini juga bertujuan mendedahkan pelajar terhadap peraturan, perjalanan sesi persekolahan, budaya sekolah serta program-program khas. 

       Antara intipati program adalah taklimat daripada barisan pentadbir sekolah, latihan lagu sekolah dan lagu rasmi, program khas sukan, taklimat SPBT, serta taklimat bidang keagamaan, solat dan aktiviti berkaitan kerohanian. Pelajar-pelajar menunjukkan minat serta semangat yang tinggi sepanjang program.

       Tahniah diucapkan kepada guru-guru yang telah bekerja keras dalam melaksanakan program orientasi pelajar Tingkatan 1-4, serta pelajar-pelajar asrama dengan cemerlang. Semoga guru-guru serta pelajar-pelajar SMK Seri Gading kekal cemerlang dalam bidang akademik, kokurikulum serta sahsiah. Inshallah.

         English Edition

       On the 1st and 2nd of January 2020, SMK Seri Gading had conducted an orientation program for the new Form 1 and Form 4 students for both morning and afternoon session. As well, there is an orientation done for the hostel students.
       A lot of activities had been planned and conducted to ensure that the new students are able to assimilate well with the new school environment that might be different for them. The program aims to familiarise students with the school rules, the academic session, the school 'culture' or norm, and other programs.

       Example of activities conducted are briefing from the administrators, school anthem practice, briefing about the sports programmes, text books, and religious activities. Throughout the programme, the students had shown great interest and spirit in the briefings conducted.

       A well deserved congratulations goes to the teachers who have worked really hard to ensure that the program runs smoothly until the end. It is hoped that the teachers and students of SMK Seri Gading will continue to strive towards excellence in the field of academic, co-curricular activities and character. Inshallah.

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Barisan pentadbir SEGA

 Orientasi Tingkatan 1 Sesi Petang

 Orientasi Tingkatan 1 Sesi Pagi

Orientasi Tingkatan 4

Ceramah Budaya Belajar dan hidup di asrama - En Musa b Md Tahir GPK1 SMK Seri Gading

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